Manny's Story
“21 years ago I suffered a brain haemorrhage and a stroke which left me with a right side weakness and speech difficulties. I spent 12 months in hospital and had major brain surgery to clip my aneurysm. It took 9 hours and a few years later I had my bone flap put back in. I use a wheelchair for going out, but I am now able to walk indoors and my speech has improved. Headway has helped immensely in my recovery. Over the years I feel I have come a very long way and am leading a good life. I am grateful to be alive and have watched my children grow up and recently my older son has married. I now have a daughter-in-law, she is lovely. Headway staff have helped me in many ways. I have enjoyed all of the sessions that I have attended. During lockdown, the zoom sessions were really good and kept me going. I enjoy being with my Headway family as I have got to know a lot of people. I am hoping to continue with my progress and wish to say a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL STAFF AT HEADWAY”